Why “What About Today?!”


What About Today?! may sound like just another warm, touchy-feely way to connect with your emotions and lead a more balanced life.

But it’s so much more than that.

What About Today?! is a revolution.


What About Today?! implores you to get out there and enjoy life now, while time is still on your side.

The fact is that Life’s Too Short and we just never know when our time is up.

Call me a morbid, touchy-feely, whimsical, nonsensical being if you want, but I’ve lost a son so I am telling you from my own personal experience that Life’s Too Short!

I’m fed up with the glorification of busy and the work ’til you drop mentality of today’s hectic lifestyle.

Life is meant to be enjoyed.

No, not every single moment of every single day.

But at a minimum at least once each week you should be out there engaging in some activity that you truly enjoy, savor, & love.

If you’re saving all of your special moments for Someday, let me be the first to burst that bubble.

Because Someday ain’t on the calendar, folks.

Today is.

So live your life for today.

Enjoy special moments every week.

Treat life like the gift that it is – and get out there and unwrap it!